
Resources for Parents of Sexually Abused Children

What Should I do If My Child Has Been Sexually Molested? Start By Immediately Notifying Law Enforcement.

A sexually abused child is a parent's worst nightmare. What do you do if your precious child has been sexually abused? It's a situation that no parent wishes to be a part of, but sometimes life doesn't give us a choice. Worse yet, child molesters are often intimates of the child and his or her family: babysitters, coaches, teachers, guidance counselors, even friends and family members. This makes the revelation of sexual abuse even more heartbreaking and traumatizing if the warning signs of child molestation were missed.

If the worst should happen and you suspect that your or someone else's child has been abused, there are several things you should do:

Know What Resources You Have At Your Disposal

Each child in your family should have a designated adult to speak to in the case he or she is sexually molested. Don't isolate your family from competent adults and authorities. Studies have demonstrated that school-aged children are more likely to tell a caregiver than their parents if they were sexually abused. If a child has access to someone in which they can confide, it goes a long way toward reducing the stress and trauma of a horrific event like sex abuse.

Also, make sure you are familiar with all applicable child safety and law enforcement agencies in your area. You should have a list of people you can call if you suspect that your child or someone else's has been sexually molested. Write down a comprehensive list of agencies and individuals to contact for sound advice and up-to-date information.

Take The Child's Allegations Seriously

It's a bad idea to wait for conclusive "proof" that your loved one is a sexually abused child. Trust your child if he or she comes to you and confesses to being touched in an inappropriate manner. Children rarely lie about being abused, and the odds are good that he or she is telling you the truth. Children are often afraid to speak out. They may be scared that the abuser may harm them or their families; that their parents won't believe them and they'll get in trouble for fibbing; that they'll upset their parents or make them sad; or that they'll be taken away and separated from their family forever. If your child does choose to disclose to you that they have been abused, remember the following three tips:

  • Stay calm. Getting angry or upset will only make it more difficult for your sexually abused child. Watch your tone of voice and be gentle and understanding.
  • Trust the child. Don't belittle your child's concerns or tell them that they are imagining things: take them seriously.
  • Protect the child from further harm. Take immediate steps to shield your sexually abused child from further abuse or reprisal. Immediately remove them from the abuser's vicinity and report the abuse.
Prepare To Report The Abuse

Tell your child that you're going to speak with someone who can help, even if the child expresses reluctance. Your child may be afraid that reporting the abuse to the authorities will cause trouble. Their abuser may even have threatened to kill the child or their family if the abuse was reported. Reassure the child and make it plain that you must report the abuse to the authorities. Take threats seriously, but remember that the authorities can keep you and your child safe from harm if you report the crime. Make sure that both you and your child are in a secure location, and mention to the authorities if you have any concern about your safety.

Finally, take notes and make sure your mind is clear and ready. The police will ask questions about you, your relationship to the child, the child itself, and the precise nature of the abuse. Make sure you have all the details ready and available to make the reporting process more efficient. Anonymous tips help guarantee your safety, but the investigations are made more efficacious with a maximum of detail.

Report The Abuse

The local police, Child Protective Services, and the Child Help National Abuse Hotline (800-422-4453) are all good places to report if your child is sexually molested. The Childhelp National Abuse Hotline cannot make a child sex abuse report on your behalf, but they can give you good advice on how to go about the process and where to make your report. Once the reporting process is complete, you may not receive any initial notification that an investigation has begun. If you wish, you can follow-up with the agency after several days have passed and get further information on the progress of the case.

In the meantime, continue to support your sexually molested child and treat them with gentleness and care. Reassure them that what happened isn't their fault. If the child disclosed the abuse to you or another adult, tell them that they were very brave. And don't forget to take care of yourself, either: child abuse can be traumatic for everyone involved, especially the parents. Practice self-care during this difficult time.

Get The Best Legal Representation If Your Child Is Sexually Molested

The law firm of Cerri, Boskovich & Allard specializes in cases of childhood sexual abuse. We successfully represent young victims in civil lawsuits against their predator and/or the institution that enabled their behavior. We refuse to back down unless our clients are fairly compensated. Call our office at (408) 289-1417 for a confidential and totally free legal consultation.

Client Reviews

“Working with CBA has been a truly remarkable experience. They exude genuineness, openness, and transparency, transforming a challenging situation into a positive one. Lauren, in particular, consistently displayed empathy, ensuring a comfortable and safe environment throughout.”

Jane Doe v. San Francisco Unified School District

Jane Doe

“Every step of the way, Lauren gave me hope when I felt hopeless, and she gave me help when I felt helpless. Lauren was the attorney who I knew was in my corner, and she will undoubtedly continue to be in the corner of survivors to hold their abuser and institution accountable.”

Jane Doe 2 v. East Side Union High School District

Jane Doe 2

“What happened to me needed to be addressed. I missed out on such an important part of my life, while my institution made no qualms. You don’t get to push kids under a rug. I’m glad I was given an opportunity to address my broken life.”

Jane Doe v. Saratoga–Los Gatos Union High School District

Jane Doe
“My family and I were so thankful for the law services and guidance received during a very emotional and challenging time; the care, sensitivity and professionalism with which our case was handled provided us with a sense of calm, clarity and confidence that we could not have navigated on our own or for each other.” Mary Doe
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